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Publisher's Foreword

Distinctive Stances In The Talmud

Our Holidays In Torah Law

Unlocking The Aggadah

Issues In Halachah

Glossary And Biographical Index

Beacons on the Talmud's Sea
Analyses of Passages From The Talmud And Issues In Halachah
Adapted From The Works of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson

Glossary And Biographical Index

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  How We Can Fulfill The Final Mitzvah Of The Torah 

An asterisk indicates a cross-reference within this Glossary.

All entries are Hebrew unless otherwise indicated.

acharonim(lit., "the later ones"): the Torah sages from the Renaissance period until the present day
Aggadahthe teachings of the *Midrash and those portions of the *Talmud which deal with ethics, stories of our Sages, and narratives concerning Biblical figures not included in the Bible
AlshichRabbi Moshe Alshich (1521-1593), one of the leading Rabbis of Safed, author of a commentary on the Torah
Amoraimthe sages of the *Gemara
Anochi(lit., "I am"): the first word of the Ten Commandments which is used as a reference to G-d's essence
areivus(a) the mutual responsibility that exists among the Jewish people; (b) responsibility as a guarantor
Azazela rocky cliff from which a goat - identified with the forces of evil (Pirkei deRabbi Eliezer, sec. 46) - was pushed to its death on Yom Kippur (Vayikra, ch. 16; Yoma 63a).
baal teshuvah(lit., "master of return"; pl., baalei teshuvah): a person who turns to G-d in repentance
bar meitzra(Aram.): a neighbor who is granted certain rights with regard to the purchase of adjoining property
bar mitzvah(lit., "one obligated to fulfill the commandments"; Aram./Heb.): the age at which this obligation becomes incumbent on a person, and the celebration marking that occasion
Bayis Chadash (Bach)commentary on the Tur by Rabbi Yoel Sirkes (1561-1640)
Beis HaMikdashthe Temple in Jerusalem
Beis Hillelthe School of Hillel
Beis Shammaithe School of Shammai
Beis Yosefthe halachic commentary to the Tur written by Rabbi Yosef Karo (1488-1575)
Beraisa(Aram.): a body of teachings authored by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi during the same period as the *Mishnah, but not included in that text; often quoted in the *Gemara; when not capitalized, the term refers to a single teaching of this type
bittulin chassidic terminology, self-nullification, a commitment to G-d and divine service that transcends self-concern; in halachic terminology, the mixture of a minute quantity of a substance with others to the extent that its presence is no longer of consequence
Chagigah(a) an offering brought to the Temple on the pilgrimage festivals; (b) a tractate of the Talmud dealing with such sacrifices
Chanukah(lit., "dedication"): eight-day festival beginning 25 Kislev, commemorating the Maccabees' rededication of the Temple in the second century B.C.E., and marked by the kindling of lights
Chassidusthe body of chassidic thought and philosophy
chazzanthe leader of synagogue services
cheftza(lit., "entity"; Aram.): a term used to imply that the relevant halachic obligations affect it rather than the person involved (*gavra)
Chessed(lit., "kindness," or "grace"): the Divine attribute which parallels the corresponding human qualities and thus is associated with the dispersion of G-dly light and energy to lower levels of existence
Chumashthe Five Books of Moses; halachically, such a text as written or printed without adhering to the laws governing the writing of a Torah scroll
derushthe non-literal, homiletic approach to understanding Torah concepts
Eretz Yisraelthe Land of Israel
esroga citron, one of the four species of plants used to perform a *mitzvah on the holiday of Sukkos
gavra(lit., "man"; Aram.): a term used to imply that the halachic obligations associated with an entity center on the person performing the action rather than on the entity (*cheftza)
Gemara (Aram)the Babylonian Talmud, the edition developed in Babylonia, and edited at end of the fifth century C.E.
Geonim (pl. of gaon)Torah luminaries; more specifically, the heads of the Babylonian academies after the composition of the *Talmud
Gevurah(lit., "might"): the Divine attribute which parallels the corresponding human quality and thus is associated with the holding back of Divine revelation and restricting the dispersion of Divine light to lower levels of existence
Haggadah(lit., "telling"): the text from which the *Seder service is conducted on the first two nights of Passover in the Diaspora (or on the first night only in Israel)
halachah (adj., halachic)(a) the body of Jewish Law; (b) a single law
Halachos GedolosOne of the early post-Talmudic halachic texts
Hallel(lit., "praise"): a portion of Psalms (113-118) recited in the prayer service on the festivals
Havdalah(lit., "distinction"): the prayer recited at the conclusion of a Sabbath or a festival to distinguish that holy day from the weekdays which follow
Iggeres HaKodeshthe fourth portion of Tanya, consisting of a collection of pastoral letters sent by the Alter Rebbe and included in the Tanya by his sons
Iggeres HaTeshuvahthe third portion of Tanya; a treatise on *teshuvah
ikkarof primary importance
ikvesa diMeshicha(Aram.): the last generation before the Redemption, when *Mashiach's approaching footsteps can be heard
Jerusalem Talmudthe edition of the *Talmud compiled in *Eretz Yisrael at end of the fourth century C.E.
Kabbalah(lit., "received tradition"): the Jewish mystical tradition
kares(lit., "excision"): the cutting off of the soul, causing premature death on the earthly plane and a severing of the soul's connection with G-d on the spiritual plane
Kiddush(lit., "sanctification"): blessings recited over a goblet of wine and expressing the sanctity of *Shabbos (e.g., Siddur, p. 146) or a festival
kinyanan act that formalizes a legal transaction
klos hanefesh(lit., "the expiration of the soul"): yearning for closeness to G-d to the extent that the soul actually expires
Kohena priest
lemafreia(Aram.): (a) retroactively; (b) out of proper sequence
Likkutei Sichosthe edited collection of the Rebbe's talks
lulavthe palm branch taken during the holiday of *Sukkos
machshirei mitzvaharticles that enable a mitzvah to be performed
Maharsha(an acronym for Moreinu HaRav Shmuel Eliezer): R. Shmuel Eliezer Eidel's (1555-1631), whose commentary is included in most standard editions of the *Talmud
Malchuyosone of the blessings of the Mussaf service on *Rosh HaShanah, consisting of verses reflecting G-d's Kingship
Mashiachthe Messiah
Megillah(lit., "scroll"): when used as a proper noun without a modifier, it is generally a reference to the Scroll of Esther which relates the narrative commemorated by the holiday of *Purim
mehadrin(Aram.): those who observe the mitzvos precisely and lovingly
mehadrin min hamehadrin(Aram.): those whose observance is precise even when compared to the mehadrin
Menorahthe seven-branched candelabrum in the Sanctuary
mezuzaha parchment scroll containing the first two paragraphs of the Shema placed at the entrance to homes, and rooms within a home
Midrashthe classic collection of the Sages' homiletical teachings on the Bible
Mishnah (pl., mishnayos)the first compilation of the Oral Law authored by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi (approx. 200 C.E.); the germinal statements of law elucidated by the *Gemara, together with which they constitute the *Talmud; when not capitalized, a single statement of law from this work
Mishneh Torahthe *Rambam's magnum opus, a compendium of the entire Oral Law
mitzvah(lit., "commandment"; pl., mitzvos): one of the 613 Commandments; in a larger sense, any religious obligation
modeh bemiktzasone who admits a portion of a claim and is hence obligated by Scriptural Law to take an oath to prove his defense
Nasi (pl., nesi'im)(a) in Biblical times, the head of any one of the Twelve Tribes; (b) in later generations, the civil and/or spiritual head of the Jewish community at large
nigleh(lit., "what has been revealed"): the body of Torah law (cf. *pnimiyus haTorah)
nosarthe prohibition against leaving sacrificial meat past the time when it may be eaten
Omera Biblical dry measure; an offering of this quantity of barley brought on the day following the first day of Passover; this day and the subsequent forty-eight days are counted in preparation for the holiday of *Shavuos
Or HaChayima commentary on the Torah authored by Rabbi Chayim ben Atar of Morocco and later of Eretz Yisrael (1696-1743); printed in many editions of the Torah
parshah (pl., parshiyos,)(lit., "portion"): one of the 54 weekly Torah readings
Pesach(a) Passover, seven-day festival beginning on 15 Nissan, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt; (b) the sacrifice offered on the eve of that holiday
pnimiyus haTorah(lit., "the inner dimension of the Torah"): the realm of the Torah that deals with mystical truth, hence a synonym for *Chassidus (cf. *nigleh)
poelthe actual expression of a potential
pshatthe simple explanation of a passage from the Torah or of a Jewish practice
Purim(lit., "lots"): one-day festival falling on 14 Adar and commemorating the miraculous salvation of the Jews of the Persian Empire in the fourth century B.C.E.
Rabbeinuour teacher, an appellation of respect added to the name of certain great educational leaders
Rabbeinu Nissim(1308-1376): author of a commentary to the Talmud and a halachic commentary to the work of Rabbeinu Yitzchak Alfasi
Rama(acronym for Rabbi Moshe Isserles; c. 1530-1572): author of the Mapah, a halachic commentary incorporated into the *Shulchan Aruch which presents the Ashkenazic halachic perspective
Rambam(acronym for Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon; 1135-1204): Maimonides, one of the foremost Jewish thinkers of the Middle Ages; his *Mishneh Torah is one of the pillars of Jewish law, and his Guide to the Perplexed, one of the classics of Jewish philosophy
Ramban(acronym for Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (1194-1270): Nachmanides. a sage whose commentaries on the Torah and the Talmud are Torah classics
Rashi(acronym for Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki; 1040-1105): the author of the foremost commentaries to the Torah and the Talmud; leader of the Jewish community in Alsace-Lorraine
Rebbe(lit., "my teacher [or master]"): saintly Torah leader who serves as spiritual guide to a following of chassidim
remezan allusion, one of the levels of Torah interpretation
reshus(lit., "permitted"): modes of behavior which are neither commanded nor forbidden
revi'is(lit., "a fourth"): a quarter of a log, a Talmudic measure often considered the minimum requirement with regard to mitzvos and prohibitions that involve drinking
Ritva(acronym for Rabbi Yom Tov ben Avraham, 1248-1330): author of an important Talmudic commentary, a leader of the Spanish Jewish community
Rosh HaShanah(lit., "head of the year"): the solemn New Year festival, falling on [1] and [2] Tishrei
Sanhedrin(a) the highest Jewish court; (b) the tractate of the Talmud of that name
Seder(lit., "order"): the order of service observed at home on the first two nights of Passover
Shabbos (pl., Shabbosos)the Sabbath
Shavuos(lit., "weeks"): festival commemorating the Giving of the Torah at Sinai, in Eretz Yisrael falling on 6 Sivan, and in the Diaspora on 6-7 Sivan
Sheiltosa halachic text written by Rav Achai Gaon shortly after the composition of the *Talmud
Shelahacronym for Shnei Luchos HaBris, a major halachic, ethical and mystical work by Rabbi Yeshayahu Horowitz (c. 1565-1630)
sheliach tzibburthe leader of communal prayer; the *chazzan
Shemathe fundamental Jewish prayer which we are obligated to recite every evening and morning
Shemitahthe Sabbatical year
Shemoneh Esreh(lit., "eighteen"): the eighteen blessings instituted to serve as the core of the prayer services recited every morning, afternoon, and evening; also known as the amidah; in the *Talmudic period, a nineteenth blessing was added to these prayers
shevarimthe three *Shofar blasts of intermediate length
Shofarthe ram's horn sounded on *Rosh HaShanah, and during the month of Elul in preparation for that holiday
Shofarosone of the blessings of the Mussaf service on *Rosh HaShanah, consisting of verses concerning the Shofar
Shulchan Aruch(lit., "a set table"): the standard Code of Jewish Law compiled by R. Yosef Caro in the mid-sixteenth century; also used to refer to later codes; e.g., the Shulchan Aruch HaRav compiled by R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Shulchan Aruch HaRavthe Code of Jewish Law compiled by the Alter Rebbe
sichah (pl., sichos)an informal Torah talk delivered by a Rebbe
sodthe mystical dimension of Torah study
sotah(a) a woman suspected of immodest conduct whose fidelity is put to the test; see Numbers, ch. 5; (b) a Talmudic tractate of that name
sukkah(lit., "booth"; pl., sukkos): a temporary dwelling in which we are commanded to live during the festival of *Sukkos
Sukkos(lit., "Booths"): seven-day festival (eight days in the Diaspora) beginning on 15 Tishrei, taking its name from the temporary dwelling in which one lives during this period
tafel(lit., "of secondary importance"): an object which is subordinate to another object described as *ikkar
Talmudthe basic compendium of Jewish law, thought, and Biblical commentary, comprising *Mishnah and *Gemara; when unspecified refers to the Babylonian Talmud, the edition developed in Babylonia, and edited at end of the fifth century C.E.; the Jerusalem Talmud is the edition compiled in *Eretz Yisrael at end of the fourth century C.E.
Tanachthe Bible
Tannaa sage of the *Mishnah
Tanyathe classic text of Chabad chassidic thought authored by the Alter Rebbe
tekiah (pl., tekios)the protracted *Shofar blast
teruah (pl., teruos)the short staccato *Shofar blast
teshuvah(lit., "return [to G-d]"): repentance
Tosafos(lit., "supplements"): classical commentaries on the *Talmud beginning to appear in the mid-twelfth century
Tosefta(Aram. "supplement"): a body of teachings authored during the same period as the *Mishnah, but not included in that text; when not capitalized, the term refers to a single teaching of this type
Turei Zahava commentary on the *Shulchan Aruch written by R. David Halevi (1586-1667), printed together with most editions of the *Shulchan Aruch
tzaddik (pl., tzaddikim)righteous man
tzitzisthe fringes worn at the corners of four-cornered garments
utzerichaa Talmudic technique of exposition in which the need for seemingly redundant phrases or teachings is elucidated
yeshivah (pl., yeshivos)Torah academy for advanced students
yetzer harathe evil inclination
Yirmeyahuthe prophet Jeremiah
Yom Kippurthe Day of Atonement, fast day falling on 10 Tishrei and climaxing the Days of Awe
Yovelthe Jubilee year
Zohar(lit., "radiance"): the classic text of the *Kabbalah

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