- Breishis (Breishis - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- "In the beginning"; A Dwelling for G-d Purpose and Its Realization
- Where Opposites Meet
- Two Beginnings
- Partners in Creation
- Breishis (Noach - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Genuine Satisfaction; Noach's Legacy
- Our Potential for Achievement
- To Be Sensitive to G-d's Cues
- Waters of Blessing
- Kindness with Purpose
- When the Rainbow Will Shine
- Breishis (Lech Lecha - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Journey To One's True Self:
Avraham's Odyssey As A Lesson For His Descendants - What the Torah Chooses to Highlight
- New Vistas
- Self-discovery
- Passing Through Shadows
- To Journey With Others
- A Sign in Our Flesh
- The Promise of Eretz Yisrael
- Breishis (Vayeira - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Seeing Truth:
The Nature of the Revelation to Avraham - A Child's Tears
- Redefining Landmarks
- Man's Striving; G-d's Response
- Sickness and Healing
- With the Heart of a Child
- Measure for Measure
- Breishis (Chayei Sarah - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- True Life:
The Continuing Effects of Sarah's Influence - What Death Cannot Quench
- Concentration and Focus
- Eretz Yisrael
- Our People's Exclusive Heritage
- A Wife for Yitzchak
- Avraham's Heir
- Ongoing Influence
- Breishis (Toldos - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Inwardness: The Path To Posterity
A Lasting Legacy - A Fountain of Inner Strength
- Inwardness Which Leads Outward
- To Communicate to Our Children
- A Source of Light for All Mankind
- Breishis (Vayetze - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Yaakov's Journey:
Transition, Challenge, and Achievement From Eretz Yisrael to Charan - Extending the Sphere of Holiness
- Kindness, Might, and Beauty
- Exile is Only Temporary
- Breishis (Vayishlach - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Empowerment And Its Purpose
- Three Conceptions of an Agent's Function
- The Agency Entrusted to Every One of Us
- Changing Ourselves as We Change the World
- The Scope of Our Mission
- Keeping the Purpose in Focus
- Breishis (Vayeshev - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- The Desire For Prosperity
- Does G-d Approve of the Desire of the Righteous?
- Seeking Internal not External Challenges
- The Fulfillment of Yaakov's Desire
- Two Levels of Prosperity
- A Challenge of a Unique Nature
- The Necessity to Ask
- Breishis (Mikeitz - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- An End And A Beginning
- The Truth of the Torah
- Infinity in Shackles
- An End to Limits
- Making the End a Beginning
- Breishis (Vayigash - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Inspiring Change
- Making a Potential Kinetic
- Bonding Power
- From Inside Out
- Uncovering Identity
- Egypt is not the End of the Journey
- Breishis (Vayechi - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- True Life
- Yaakov's Best Years
- To Live with the Torah
- Light in Darkness
- Yaakov Still Lives
- Egypt is not Forever
- Strength and Encouragement
- Shmos (Shmos - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Challenge, Growth, and Transition
- Confronting Challenge
- The Paradox of Exile
- The Story a Name Tells
- Destiny and Direction
- From Exile to Redemption
- Shmos (Voeira - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Seeing And Believing
- Prisons of the Mind
- An End to Exile
- A Rich Inheritance
- Taking Possession of the Legacy
- Miracles in Our Lives
- Shmos (Bo - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Confronting Pharaoh
- A Twofold Challenge
- Within the Macrocosm
- What the Plagues Accomplished
- Reaching to the Core
- Come With Me
- The Dynamic of Redemption
- Shmos (Beshalach - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- The Expression of Inner Good
- A Name Should Be Telling
- Why It Was Pharaoh Who Sent Forth the Jews
- Looking Beyond Exile
- To Evoke a Higher Will
- Gentle Force
- Shmos (Yisro - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Ripples of Inner Movement
- Yisro's Identity
- Recognizing deities
- Acknowledging G-d
- The Microcosm
- Encouraging the Macrocosm
- When the Twains Meet
- From Darkness to Light
- The Path to Redemption
- Shmos (Mishpatim - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- After Sinai
Making the Torah a Part of Ourselves - When the World Stood Still
- Fulfilling G-d's Purpose
- Back to Sinai
- Knowing, and Not Knowing
- Shmos (Terumah - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Dwelling Among Mortals
- A Contradiction in Terms
- In G-d's Inner Chamber
- What Man's Input Contributes
- Two Phases
- Not an Island
- Shmos (Tetzaveh - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Paradigm Of Leadership
- A Leader's Commitment
- Three Prototypes of Righteous Conduct
- Deeper than a Name
- Interrelated Bonds
- So that an Eternal Light Will Shine
- The Agent of Redemption
- Shmos (Ki-Sisa - Purim - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Towards A Purpose
Beyond Our Conception - The Path Upward
- For Man to Become More than Man
- A Journey Charted by G-d
- G-d's Awesome Intrigue
- Three Phases
- And Ultimately, Ascents Without Descent
- Shmos (Vayakhel - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- More than Gathering Together
- A Whole That is Greater than Its Parts
- Oneness as a Dynamic
- From Inside Out
- The Ultimate Ingathering
- Shmos (Pekudei - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- The Power of the Individual
- Contrast and Concord
- True Accomplishment
- What Lies At the Core
- Keeping One's Balance Sheet
- The Catalyst For Personal Development
- No End to Growth
- Vayikra (Vayikra - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- The Dearness of Every Jew
- Within the Many - One
- Closeness with G-d
- Loving Outreach
- Seek the Silver Lining
- The Ultimate Praise
- Vayikra (Tzav = Shabbos Hagadol - Pesach - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Making Connections
The Message of Mitzvos - To Breach a Chasm
- Invitation From Above
- Three Approaches
- Strength in the Center
- Service for His Sake
- Vayikra (Shmini - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Transcendence and Immanence
- Learning What It Means To Count
- "The Eighth Day"
- Earning More Than We Can Earn
- Focus on This World, Not on the Next
- A Fusion of Opposites
- Heralding a New Manner of Perception
- Vayikra (Tazria-Metzora - 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Conceiving New Life
- The Deepest Intimacy
- Planting Seeds
- The Wonder of Conception
- Life and Death
- Mashiach's Name
- Consummate Perfection and Superficial Flaws
- Mashiach's Burden
- Positive Import
- The Name of the Torah Reading
- Through the Medium of Study
- With New Life
- Vayikra (Achrei - Kedoshim 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Souls Afire
- A Moment of Drama
- Insatiable Yearning
- Two Lessons, Two Names
- A Single-Minded Bond
- What Does Being Holy Mean?
- Is There Any Gray?
- Involvement, Not Ascetism
- "You Can Be Like Me"
- As the Inner Core Comes Out
- Holiness Afterwards
- Vayikra (Emor 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Inspiring Light
- What Happens When a Wise Man Talks
- A Command to Speak
- Learning With Light
- As Light Kindles Light
- Vayikra (Behar-Bechukosai 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Pride That Runs Deeper Than Self
- The Inner Message of Our Sages' Debate
- Tapping a Deeper Potential
- Synthesis, Not Conflict
- Principles Personified
- The Symbolism of Sinai
- Real Growth
- Satisfying Thirst
- Hewn Into Our Hearts
- Without a Dichotomy
- Above the Limits of Intellect
- Fusing Conflicting Tendencies
- To Know G-d's Goodness
- Bamidbar (Bamidbar-Shovuos 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- The Fruit of a Barren Land
- What the Background Says
- Where No Ownership Exists
- A Declaration of Dependence
- For the Desert to Bloom
- The Ultimate Flowering
- Bamidbar (Naso 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Fulcrum to Lift the World
- Why Rav Yosef Would Celebrate
- A Lasting Change
- Not Merely History
- Extending the Connection
- Bamidbar (Behalosecha 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Path of Light
- The Goal of Education
- Encouraging Individuality
- Shining Lamps
- Independent Efforts
- Journeying Forward
- Bamidbar (Shelach 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Choosing Our Mission
- A Pillar of Our Faith
- Two Types of Choice
- Taking Initiative
- A New Phase
- Building G-d's Dwelling
- Facing Failure
- Our People's Mission
- Bamidbar (Korach 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Korach's Positive Import
- What Korach Really Wanted
- Intent vs. Action
- A More Comprehensive Oneness
- Making Our Own Decisions
- A Matter of Time
- Bamidbar (Chukas 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Beyond the Reach of Knowledge
- What Mortal Knowledge Cannot Grasp
- To Tap the Essence of the Torah
- A Selfless Self
- Bamidbar (Balak 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Remembering What Should Be Forgotten
- A Sage and His Conduct
- The Power of the Torah
- A Spiritual Transition
- Nullifying and Transforming
- The Fruits of Unbounded Commitment
- Bamidbar (Pinchas 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Touching the Core
- Can Priesthood be a Reward?
- Unbounded Service Evokes an Unbounded Response
- Temporing Zealousness with Love
- Taking Initiative
- Bamidbar (Matos-Massei 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- True Strength
- An Approach-Avoidance Conflict
- Supple Flexibility vs. Unfailing Firmness
- Expressing Power
- A Twofold Message
- Strength in Exile, the Ultimate Strength in Redemption
- Forward Movement
- Signs of Life
- Our Personal Journeys
- An Encampment or a Journey?
- Setting Forth Toward Change
- The Ultimate Journey
- The Individual and the Whole
- Devarim (Devarim 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Mortal Mouth Speaking G-d's Word
- The Uniqueness of the Book of Deuteronomy
- Two Contrasting Patterns
- Internalized Knowledge
- Elevating the Torah
- On the Banks of the Jordan
- Devarim (Va'etchanan 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- To Plead with G-d
- What is Prayer?
- Two Interpretations of Moshe's Plea
- Everything is Kindness
- Not Only a Humble Tone, a Humble Heart
- When Can a Heavenly Decree be Changed
- Reaching Above Our Grasp
- Doing More Than We Can
- Devarim (Ekev 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- When the Heel Becomes a Head
- Nothing Comes Unearned
- Responding to the Experience of G-dliness
- A Point in Soul Above "I"
- A Channel for the Soul's Power
- Just Recompense
- Realization of the Mission
- Devarim (Re'ei 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- The Power of Sight
- Penetrating Perception
- To Serve G-d by Choice
- Sight as Assistance, a Command, and a Promise
- Seeing the Truth
- Devarim (Shoftim 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Judgment and Its Application
- A Measuring Rod
- At the City's Gates
- The Need for Enforcement
- Internalizing Morality
- The Spirit of Prophecy
- A Fundamental Element of Faith
- The Message of Our Judges and Prophets
- Devarim (Seitzei 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- War and Peace
- Will a Dove Grow Claws?
- Waging War
- Discovering Our Resources
- Inner Conflicts
- The Ultimate Battles
- Devarim (Savo 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Entering Deeper and Deeper
- Giving the Intangible
- Appreciating G-d's Kindness
- More than Just a Physical Land
- A Complete Entry
- The Whole and Its Parts
- Two Levels of Thanksgiving
- Looking Forward to Entering Eretz Yisrael
- Devarim (Nitzavim 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Standing Before G-d
- Who Blesses the New Month?
- With Unchanging Strength
- To Maintain the Connection
- Oneness which is not Insular
- Devarim (Vayeilech 5754)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Looking Forward
- To Luxuriate in Torah Study
- A Single Entity, At Times Divided
- Fusing Opposites
- Progressing In Teshuvah
- Never-Ending Progress
- Devarim (Ha'azinu 5755)
- Publisher's Foreword
- Close To The Heavens
- Two Prophets, Two Modes of Expression
- A Reflection of Spiritual Reality
- Fusing the Material and the Spiritual
- Two Phases in Time
- Two Phases in Development
- Devarim (Bracha 5755)
- Publisher's Foreword
- A Fountain of Blessing
- A Message for the Holiday
- One and One
- Why Moshe Broke the Tablets
- Who Comes First?
- Open and Apparent Blessings