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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 5 A Treasury of Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Selections from Igros Kodesh Not to be discouraged when it appears that one's efforts with others are apparently having only minimal effects Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 643
This letter was addressed to Mr. Baruch Litvin.B"H, 19Tammuz, 5710Greetings and blessings,
In response to what you wrote on 8 Sivan and the Monday of Parshas Behaalos'cha — my reply was delayed because of my manifold involvements and because of the matters associated with Yud-Beis/Yud-Gimmel Tammuz:
In your circles, you have a good opportunity to become effective in fulfilling the mission for which Divine providence has led you to [this place].
One should not be discouraged if it appears that only a small number of individuals allow themselves to be influenced and even with these few, the influence is less than one would desire.
With regard to quantity: We have to understand that every individual is an entire world[605] and it is worthwhile for the entire world to devote itself to saving even one individual Jew with regard to material matters and how much more so, in spiritual matters.
In addition, the good influence that the recipient is granted does not remain sequestered in his possession. In a direct or indirect manner, he has a positive effect on the other people in his close or broad circles of influence. [To speak in analogies,] just as every organ is a part of the body as a whole, every individual is a part of the community as a whole.
[Thus] the spiritual improvement of one person strengthens the well-being of the entire community as a matter of course.
With regard to quality: There is no way we can appreciate the greatness of the good accomplished for a person when we help him lift himself up even a little bit higher!
Aside from the immeasurable worth that results from performing even one less sin and doing one more mitzvah, a sin would have led to another sin and one mitzvah leads to another mitzvah.[606] [Moreover,] with each mitzvah, one becomes more fit to properly appreciate a true Torah concept and to have the potential to apply that concept in actual life. [In practice, this means] having one Jew put on a yarmulke, another, tefillin, a third, tzitzis, a fourth, inspiring him towards love for his fellow man and proper character traits, a fifth, [encouraging him] to observe taharas hamishpachah, a sixth, to teach his children Torah, and so on.
You certainly meet Jews whom G-d has granted the ability to give generous financial support to the work of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch and Machne Israel, which my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, hk"m, founded and entrusted with the broad mission of doing everything necessary to bring all those who have strayed and who are weak in general, and particularly the youth, back to Yiddishkeit. By giving Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch and Machne Israel the potential to publish and disseminate printed matter in different languages, for example, one becomes a partner in this tremendous, lifesaving work which the donor himself could never perform. It is obvious that this merit makes him more fit for the spiritual influence that he personally needs.
It is difficult in a letter to tally all of the particular areas where you have potential to make yourself more effective. What is most fundamental is, as my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, hk"m, would say: "We have to talk less and do more."
All of the above concerns your work with others. It is, however, with regard to one's work with his own self that the yetzer hara presents the greatest obstacles. We will leave that topic, however, for another time.[607]
As per your request, we wrote to Mr. Harry Katz.
Awaiting good tidings,
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson
Enclosed is the kuntres for 12 Tammuz.
- (Back to text) [See Sanhedrin 37a, et al.]
- (Back to text) [Avos 2:2.]
- (Back to text) [See Letter No. 669.]
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