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Please Tell Me What the Rebbe Said - Volume 2
Interpretations of the Weekly Torah Readings and the Festivals.
Based on the Talks of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.


by Malka Touger
Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
(718) 778-5436   �   �   FAX (718) 735-4139

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On their way to the lunchroom, Levi and Yossi passed by the first-grade classroom. The first graders were rehearsing the play they were going to put on for the school assembly before Shavuos.

"I am the biggest mountain," one youngster was saying. "Surely HaShem will give the Torah on me."

"You don't stand a chance," another taunted. "I am covered with the most beautiful flowers. HaShem will choose me."

Levi and Yossi looked at each other and smiled. "Remember when we put on that play in first grade?" Levi asked.

"Sure!" said Yossi. "I had the part of Mount Sinai, and I even remember my lines: "Compared to the others, I'm so small, HaShem will never consider me at all."

Levi laughed and the boys walked on.

"You know, Yossi, I was thinking about that Midrash. HaShem chose Mount Sinai because it was small, right?"

"Yes, to teach us how important it is to be humble," Yossi agreed.

"Well," asked Levi. "If it's so important to be humble, why did HaShem give the Torah on a mountain at all? True, Mount Sinai is not very high, but it's still a mountain. If HaShem gave the Torah in a valley, wouldn't that teach us more about being humble?"

Yossi was thoughtful. "You have a point, Levi. I hadn't thought of it that way. Let's ask our teacher after lunch."

The teacher listened closely to their question. "Boys," he replied, "how did you feel two weeks ago as you marched down the street at the Lag BaOmer Parade?"

"Proud of who we are," Levi answered.

"Happy to be special," said Yossi.

"That kind of pride is good," explained the teacher. "It's not being haughty. When we realize how special we are, we feel more responsible and are more likely to do the right thing.

"Now think about Moshe Rabbeinu. The Torah tells us that 'Moshe was the most humble of men.' Yet Moshe does not hesitate to say: 'I stand here between you people and HaShem.' Moshe realized he held an important position. His humility did not prevent him from being a strong leader."

"I get it," said Levi. "HaShem chose the smallest mountain to teach us to be humble. But He still chose a mountain to teach us that we should be proud of being His special nation."

The teacher nodded. "Feeling sure and confident gives us the strength to do what HaShem expects of us."

The lesson the teacher taught Levi and Yossi is very important, but so are their questions. They show that the boys did not think about the giving of the Torah only as a story that happened many years ago, but as something still happening today.

We should all feel this way. And to show our connection to the giving of the Torah, every Jewish man, woman and child - even young babies - should come to Shul on the first day of Shavuos to hear the Ten Commandments.

(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. I, p. 276ff)

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