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2nd Day Of Rosh Hashanah, 5745

Shabbos Parshas Ha'azinu, Shabbos Shuvah

Shabbos Parshas Ha'azinu

Tzom Gedaliah

Tzivos Hashem

Eve Of 6th Day Of Tishrei, 5745

6th Day Of Tishrei, 5745

6th Day Of Tishrei, 5745

Equal Rights

Blessings Erev Yom Kippur, 5745

The Blessing To The Students of Tomchei Temimim Before Kol Nidrei

Yartzeit of Rebbe Maharash

1st Night Of Sukkos, 5745

2nd Night of Sukkos, 5745

3rd Night of Sukkos, 5745

4th Night Of Sukkos, 5745

5th Night Of Sukkos, 5745

6th Night Of Sukkos, 5745

Tzivos Hashem

   6th Day Of Sukkos, 5745

Hosha'ana Rabbah, 5745

Eve Of Simchas Torah, 5745

Day Of Simchas Torah, 5745

Shabbos Parshas Bereishis

Shabbos Parshas Bereishis


Shabbos Parshas Noach

Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha

Birthday Of Rebbe Rashab

Sichos In English
Volume 23

Tzivos Hashem
6th Day Of Sukkos, 5745
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  6th Night Of Sukkos, 5745Hosha'ana Rabbah, 5745  


It is customary for every army, and hence, surely for the Army of Hashem, to gather together at certain times and present themselves before the king. These gatherings are held at special times within the year; in particular, at the beginning of the year and at the time new soldiers enter the army. Hence, it is proper for the same pattern to be followed by Tzivos Hashem, the army of Jewish children.

Generally, there are two types of gatherings: a) Gatherings in which the soldiers present themselves to the king before being sent on a mission by him, before going out to war. b) Gatherings in which the soldiers present themselves to the king to receive rewards and citations for their service, including promotions from one rank to another. These gatherings are held when the soldiers return from the battlefront, after fulfilling the king's mission.

The difference between these two types of meeting is obvious: The first gathering is held in a serious frame of mind, while clothed in work clothes. The second gathering is held in a festive and joyous frame of mind while the soldiers are dressed in holiday garments.

Parallels to these concepts exist for Tzivos Hashem. The mission assigned to Tzivos Hashem is to fight with the yetzer hora, the evil inclination, and utterly destroy it to the point where there is no remnant of it left. As a result our behavior will follow totally the will of G-d, the Commander-in-Chief of Tzi-vos Hashem.

Thus, two gatherings were held for Tzivos Hashem: the first one dedicated to preparing ourselves for the battle with the yetzer hora. Therefore, it was held in the Ten Days of Teshuvah; a time to regret undesirable things that happened in the past and accept good resolutions for our behavior in the future.

The second gathering, held at present, in the days of Sukkos is being held after the victory over the yetzer hora, in a spirit of joy and celebration. Sukkos is "the Season of our Rejoicing," the time when every Jew rejoices over the fact that he was privileged to fulfill the mission entrusted to him by G-d and defeat the yetzer hora (for surely, everyone fulfilled the resolutions he accepted upon himself in the Ten Days of Teshuvah).

Since G-d sees that His soldiers serve Him faithfully, He grants each and every one of them a good year. Furthermore, He grants each one a sign, the Lulav and Esrog, which resembles an award and symbolizes our victory in the war.

These two gatherings will have an effect on our behavior in the entire year to come. The good resolutions we accepted in the Ten Days of Teshuvah must be carried out in the entire year to come. Furthermore, these resolutions will continue to bear fruit, for a good soldier does not remain satisfied with his past achievements. Rather, he continues to strive for new and greater heights.

Similarly, the concept of simchah, happiness, is relevant to our service throughout the entire year. Happiness results from our appreciation of the great merit we have in serving G-d and fulfilling His mission and happiness in appreciation of the great good and blessings which He grants for fulfilling those missions.

Based on the principle, "Love your neighbor as yourself," we each have the responsibility to influence other children who have not yet become part of Tzivos Hashem to join in these efforts and accept good resolutions. This will cause G-d to immediately grant them an inscription for a new year amidst manifold blessings which, in turn, brings them great happiness.

This will cause the happiness to continue through the entire year: "The Jews should rejoice in their Maker." That happiness motivates happiness for G-d: "G-d rejoices in His works." G-d's happiness causes a further intensification of the blessings He grants, making this a year of happiness, a year of prayer, a year of light, and a year of blessing for all the members of Tzi-vos Hashem.

In their merit, G-d will also grant additional blessings for their parents and teachers and additional blessings throughout the world at large, including the ultimate blessing, the coming of Moshiach, MOSHIACH NOW, who will take all the Jews to Eretz Yisroel, and to Jerusalem where we will build the Temple, speedily, in our days.


In addition to the lessons we must learn from holding this gathering during the holiday of Sukkos as explained above, there are particular lessons that can be derived from the day of the week, Tuesday, on which the gathering is being held, the portion of Chumash connected with this day, the portion of Rambam connected with this day, and the fact that this gathering is being held on the sixth day of Sukkos:

  1. The lesson from Tuesday:

    As frequently explained, Tuesday is the day on which G-d declared: "It was good" twice. Our Sages have explained that this refers to a twofold good: "good to heaven and good to the creations." This implies that a Jew himself should behave as desired, "good to heaven," and that he should try to influence others to do good, "good to the creations."

    This is implied by the command: "Love your neighbor as yourself," just as you try hard to do good yourself and be a good soldier in Tzivos Hashem, you should make the same efforts to influence others to do good and also become soldiers in Tzi-vos Hashem.

  2. The lesson from today's portion of Chumash:

    This portion contains Moshe's blessings to Yosef. These are relevant to the entire Jewish people for, at times, the entire Jewish people are referred to with the name, Yosef (Tehillim 80:2). Thus, this portion refers to many with all its abundant blessings: "the precious things of the heavens" and "the precious things of the earth." This implies success in the study of Torah, the performance of mitzvos, and the service of prayer; and also, success in worldly matters.

  3. The lesson from today's portion of Rambam:

    The mitzvah studied today in Sefer Hamitzvos, the aspect of Rambam studied by children, deals with Nosar, the prohibition against leaving the sacrificial meat over till the following morning. The lesson taught by Nosar can be explained as follows:

    The sacrifices have portions which are given to G-d, "good to heaven," and portions which are to be eaten by man, "good to the creations." However, if a person does not eat the sacrificial meat within the time G-d has prescribed, it becomes Nosar and forbidden.

    Similarly, G-d gives every Jew, particularly the soldiers of Tzivos Hashem, spiritual blessings, the mission to study Torah and fulfill mitzvos; and material blessings, health, food, a place to live, and most important, parents, and brothers and sisters.

    These blessings should be utilized immediately, to the fullest extent, without waiting. As we see, when a person gives a present, he wants to see it used and derives happiness from the pleasure experienced by the recipient. Similarly, our utilization of the blessings granted us by G-d generates pleasure for Him.

  4. The lesson from the sixth day of Sukkos:

    In the Temple, on each day of Sukkos, a different Psalm was recited. The Psalm recited on the present day, Psalm 81, contains the blessing: "I have taken his shoulder from the burden," implying that G-d will remove the burden of exile from the Jews, stating it in past tense as if the burden has already been removed.

    Also, it contains the promise: "I would feed him with the finest of wheat and sate you with honey from the rock," blessings for abundance in material blessings. These, in turn, will allow them to continue in fulfilling their mission in Tzi-vos Hashem, making G-d a dwelling place in the lower worlds.


After participating together in prayer (the Minchah service), and Torah (reciting the twelve P'sukim), it is proper to conclude the gathering with Tzedakah. Thus, we will have set up the three pillars upon which the world stands.

This will also prepare us to greet Moshiach as our Sages declared: "Tzedakah is great because it brings close the redemption." This is intrinsically related to Sukkos for already on erev Sukkos, it is customary to distribute much charity.

Therefore, I will give each child three coins: one to give to Tzedakah, one to give to a Tzedakah associated with Sukkos, to help someone buy a Lulav and Esrog or participate in the celebrations connected with the holiday, and one to use as you desire.

Also, it is important to mention the preparations for Hosha'ana Rabbah and, afterwards, for Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah, when the Jews celebrate and dance together with the Torah. May we proceed from these dances, to dance together to greet Moshiach.

In that vein, it is proper to conclude this gathering with a joyous song, songs connected with the future redemption, to begin with "We Want Moshiach Now," and then, "Ach Tzaddi-kim," and to conclude with "Sheyiboneh Beis Hamikdosh."

May these activities hasten the time when Tzivos Hashem, together with all the points, medals, and stars you have earned through your service of Torah and mitzvos, will leave the exile and proceed together with Moshiach to the ultimate and complete redemption, speedily in our days.

  6th Night Of Sukkos, 5745Hosha'ana Rabbah, 5745  
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