Bereishit � Genesis
Shemot � Exodus
Vayikra � Leviticus
Bamidbar � Numbers
Devarim � Deutronomy
Megillat Esther
Pirkei Avos
Birkat Hamazon
ForewordForewordIntroductionWhy the name Vedibarta Bam?AcknowledgmentsNote on Transliteration and FormatBereishit � GenesisBereishitNoachLech LechaVayeiraChayei SarahToldotVayeitzeiVayishlachVayeishevMikeitzVayigashVayechiShemot � ExodusForewordNote on Transliteration and FormatShemotVa'eiraBoBeshalachYitroMishpatimTerumahTetzavehKi TissaVayakheilPekudeiVayikra � LeviticusForewordNote on Transliteration and FormatVayikraTzavSheminiTazriaMetzoraAcharei MotKedoshimEmorBeharBechukotaiBamidbar � NumbersForewordNote on Transliteration and FormatBamidbarNassoBeha'alotechaShelachKorachChukatBalakPinchasMatotMaseiDevarim � DeutronomyForewordNote on Transliteration and FormatDevarimVa'etchananEikevRe'eihShoftimKi TeitzeiKi TavoNitzavimVayeilechHa'azinuBerachahHolidaysChanukah-MikeitzChanukahShabbat ShirahTu BeShevatPurimMegillat EstherPurim TorahShabbat HagadolLag BaOmerShavuotDairy MealReading the Book of RuthBook of RuthRosh HashanahHow Old is the World?The Master Key � A Broken HeartGrand Opening � Going Out of BusinessA Call From HashemPay Up Your PledgesDon't Discourage Your ChildThe Beauty of the TeruahThe Shape of the Shofar"No Deposit No Return""Here I am, my Son"Confusing SatanAsking Versus WantingThe Potential of the IndividualSignificance of Eating an Apple on Rosh HashanahYom KippurTeshuvah and the Stranger Within"It All Depends On Me"Is G-d Fair?"These I recall..."YizkorYou Can't Run Away from G-dSuccotHow a Gentile Celebrates SuccotSimchat Beit Hasho'eivahShemini AtzeretYizkorSimchat TorahEveryone Has a Right to RejoiceMegillat EstherForewordAbout the BookThe Name Vedibarta BamAcknowledgmentsNote on Transliteration and FormatA Sefer For Mishlo'ach Manot?Two Reasons for the MitzvahTwo Famous SefarimThe Rama's OpinionTorah and the SeudahHalachot U'minhagim Laws and Customs (Ta'anit Esther Fast of Esther)Halachot U'minhagim Laws and Customs (Megillah Reading)Halachot U'minhagim Laws and Customs (Mishlo'ach Manot � Sending of Edibles)Halachot U'minhagim Laws and Customs (Matanot Le'evyonim � Gifts to the Poor)Halachot U'minhagim Laws and Customs (Purim Seudah � Festive Meal)Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenShould Mordechai Have Sacrificed His Torah Study?Favored by Most, but not By All"Blessed" or Merely "Protected"Light and DarknessThe Effects of "Spiritual Geography"Giving up Greatness for OthersIn the Present as well as in the PastPurim TorahPirkei AvosForewordAbout the SeferAcknowledgementsNote on Transliteration and FormatAll IsraelChapter OneRabbi Chananyah ben AkashyaChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixRabbi Chananyah ben AkashyaTishreiForewordAcknowledgmentsNote on Transliteration and FormatRosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Ingredient for a Happy Marriage)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Grand Opening - Going Out of Business)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (An Exercise in Translation)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Practice What You Preach)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (How Old is the World?)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Master Key - A Broken Heart)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (A Call From Hashem)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Pay Up Your Pledges)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Don't Discourage Your Child)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Beauty of the Teruah)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Shape of the Shofar)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material ("No Deposit No Return")Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material ("Here I am, my Son")Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Confusing Satan)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Asking Versus Wanting)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Potential of the Individual)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Never Write-Off Your Child)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Avraham's Vision)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Hearing the Cry of the Shofar)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material ("What is With You, Hagar?")Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Personal Involvement a Must)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Yitzchak's Greatest Fear)Rosh Hashanah - Derashot - Sermonic Material (Vanishing or Flourishing?)Rosh Hashanah - Torah Readings - HaftarotRosh Hashanah - Torah Readings - Haftarot (Maftir)Rosh Hashanah - Torah Readings - Haftarot (Haftarah)Machzor L'Rosh Hashanah - Prayers - LiturgyMinhagim - CustomsShabbat Shuvah Derashot - Sermonic Material (Sin for the "Sake of Heaven")Shabbat Shuvah Derashot - Sermonic Material (Sermon in a Story)Shabbat Shuvah Derashot - Sermonic Material ("Return, O Israel to Hashem, your G-d, for you have stumbled through your iniquity. Take words with you and return to Hashem.")Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Berditchever's Yom Kippur Plea)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Cry of a Jewish Child)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (All Jews are Beautiful)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Value of Blushing)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (Teshuvah and the Stranger Within)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material ("It All Depends On Me")Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (Garments of Linen, Garments of Gold)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (A Resounding "Baruch Sheim")Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (Is G-d Fair?)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (A U-Turn)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (Adjust Your Clock)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (New Garments)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (A Parent's Request)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (Winning the Race)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (He-Goats and Priorities)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (The "Right" Son)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Sadducees and the Incense)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Bond of Life)Yom Kippur Derashot - Sermonic Material (You Can't Run Away from G-d)Yom Kippur - Torah Reading - HaftarahYom Kippur - Torah Reading - Haftarah (Haftarah)Machzor L'Yom Kippur - Prayers - LiturgyMinhagim - CustomsSukkot Derashot - Sermonic Material (The Driver's Seat)Sukkot Derashot - Sermonic Material (How a Gentile Celebrates Sukkot)Sukkot Derashot - Sermonic Material (Our Season of Rejoicing)Sukkot Torah ReadingSukkot Torah Reading (Maftir)Simchat Beit HashoeivahKoheletShemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah (A Wedding Invitation)Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah (Yizkor - A Joyous Occasion)Simchat Torah (Everyone Has a Right to Rejoice)Simchat Torah (Siyum)Minhagim - CustomsShabbat BereishitChanukahForewordAbout The SeferAcknowledgmentsThe Gemara's AccountWhy Were The Oils Defiled?How Were The Oils DefiledWhy Was A Miracle Needed For Eight DaysWhy Was The Miracle Of Finding Oil Necessary?Which Kohen Gadol Sealed It?Beit Yosef's Question: Why Celebrate Eight Days?Enhanced QualityFour Additional Answers To Beit Yosef's Question25th Commemorates Victory25th Commemorates Finding Oil25th Commemorates "Fire from Heaven"Flask Was Not Enough for 25thFive Additional Answers To Beit Yosef's QuestionsOn 25th Some Oil Remained in FlaskWithout the One there Wouldn't be Seven8 Days to Distinguish Between Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai8 Days for 8 Yomim Tovim8 Days for 8 Divine SalvationsWhy Not 9 Days25th Or 26th?Significance Of 36 CandlesWhy Wasn't Yom Tov Declared Immediately?Why Not A Feast?Insights on Laws of ChanukahPrayersHaneirot HallaluThe Very ScrupulousMaoz TzurAl HanissimPublicizing the MiracleDeclare on the Horn of an OxKingdom of the HasmoneansChanukah - SukkotThe Dudaim Emit a Fragrance...Hints and CustomsHints for Chanukah in Vayeishev, Mikeitz, VayigashHints for Chanukah in the TorahTorah Reading for ChanukahDays of Chanukah (Fifth Day Of Chanukah)Days of Chanukah (Zot Chanukah)My Zeide's Chanukah Message*Dinim Menorah LightingThe Menorah"The Rambam's Opinion Concerning Menorah Lighting"Insights on the MenorahOilMegilat Antiochus The Scroll of the HasmoneansBirkat HamazonForewordHymns for Friday EveningKiddush for Friday EveningKiddush for the Shabbat DayOrder of Seudah ShelishitBlessing After A MealConcluding Blessing After Certain FoodsSheva BerachotAdditions to the Blessing After a Meal Following a CircumcisionThe Laws Concerning the Redemption of a Firstborn SonOrder Of The RedemptionHavdalah